Friday, August 12, 2011

How Fortune Teller Knows So Much !

If you have ever visited a fortune teller you probably came away amazed at the things they knew about you. Things know one else could have possible known . Research into fortune telling business shows that the "Fortune Teller" uses a technique known as cold reading which can produce an accuracy of around 80% when reading a person you have never met.While it can appear magical to naive and vulnerable people , it is simply a process based on careful observation of body language signals plus understanding of human nature and a knowledge of probability statistics. It is a technique practiced by psychics , tarot card reader , astrologists ,and palm reader to gather information about a client .Many cold readers are largely unaware of their abilities  to read non verbal signals and so also become convinced that they really must have "psychic" abilities.This all adds to a convincing performance , bolstered by the fact that people who regularly visit "psychic" go with positive expectations of the outcome. Throw in a set of Tarot cards, crystal ball or two and a bit of a theatre, and stage is perfectly set for a body language reading session that can convince even the most hardened sceptic that strange magical forces must be at work.It all boils down to the reader's ability to decode a person's reaction to statements made and to questions asked and by information gathered by simple observations about a person's appearance.Most psychics are female because they have extra brain wiring to allow them to read the body signals of the babies and to read other's emotional conditions.

To demonstrate the point here now a psychic reading for you personally imagine.Imagine that you have come to a pandit , sitting cross legged near a temple , rolling a Rudraksh Mala around his fingers .

"I am glad that you have come here and I can see that you have things that are troubling you.I sense that the things you want from life are unrealistic and you often wonder whether you can achieve them or not. I can also see that at times you are friendly , social and outgoing to others , but at other times you are withdrawn reserved and cautious. You take pride in being an independent thinker but also know what to accept what you see and hear from others, without proof. You like change and variety but become restless if controlled by restrictions and routine. You want to share your innermost feelings with the person closest to you but have found it unwise to be too open and revealing. A man in your life with initial "S" is exerting a strong influence over you right now and a women who is born in November will contact you in the next month with an exciting offer . While you appear disciplined and controlled on outside , you tend to be concerned and worried on the inside and at times you wonder whether or not you have made the right choice and decision."

So how did we go?Did I read you accurately?Studies shows that information in this "reading" is more than 80% accurate for any person reading it. Throw in an excellent ability to read body language postures , facial expressions and a person's other twitches and movements and I guarantee that you can even Amaze a dog. !!! 

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